i. I commit to allow myself to be fully honest in all of my beauty and sinful ugliness by
saying what I really mean, showing who I know myself to be, and allowing myself to
risk failure in order that Jesus and this community will continuously transform my
life to be a complete follower of God.
ii. I commit to be an active part of the community; knowing that community occurs best
when we are present and sharing the duties God calls our community to do. I will be
present with the church community as much as God and my responsibilities allow. As
well, I will be honest in regards to my earthly responsibilities and not put them before
God when not necessary.
iii. I commit to participate and improve my abilities in the spiritual disciplines of sharing
my faith, loving, praying, fleeing personal immorality and standing against evil.
iv. I commit to give to Christ all of myself. This includes regularly giving a portion of my
time, money, resources, skills and mind.
v. I commit to care for and accept the care of other believers through concern, mentor-
ship and help. Knowing that others can encourage us and strengthen our faith, I will
be open to all in the church body including those who are different in age, ethnicity,
wealth, and ability. I will care about their spiritual development as much as I care
about my own.